How Long Does It Take To Start A YouTube Cooking Channel?

One of the questions I'm asked most often is "how long does it take?"
Q: How long does it take to start a cooking show?
A: Just 5 days when you have a plan that details exactly what steps to take. Click here to get yours.
Q: How long does it take to start making money?
A: How long will it take you to prepare a dozen recipes on camera to put into a digital cookbook?
Q: How do I create a digital cookbook?
A: You learn step-by-step in my Celebrity Chef Masterclass.
Q: How do I advertise my cooking show?
A: The most effective way is good old-fashioned email because email marketing has a 40X return-on-investment compared to social media marketing.
Look at it this way: you're more than likely reading this because you got an email from me, right? I didn't have to post on social media all day every day to communicate with you.
All I had to do is send you the email that brought you here.
If you want to learn how to use email marketing to save you time and energy and help you make money, that's something I teach you how to do in my Celebrity Chef Masterclass.
My Celebrity Chef Masterclass includes my $10,000 Cookbook Challenge where you learn how to create and sell your first digital cookbook using just your smartphone and without having to pay for anything else.
If you're serious about having your own cooking show, it doesn't get any easier than that.
Imagine making thousands of dollars in passive income just by turning the recipes in your head into a digital cookbook.
You can learn how to do that today.