Why You Don't Want To Host Your Course On Udemy

"Put your course in our marketplace of millions of users!"
That's the pitch that Udemy makes.
And it sounds good.
Who wouldn't want to put their course in front of millions of people looking for online training?
What's the catch?
There's actually a couple of major ones.
Udemy is the dollar store of online education platforms.
That means all it has is millions of dollar store shoppers.
Everything is on sale all the time on Udemy. That's what Udemy has trained its users to expect.
So good luck selling your course for more than $10 to $15.
If you feel like your years of experience and all the time and effort you put into creating your course is worth more than $10, then don't even think about putting it on Udemy.
Udemy isn't going to do a damn thing to put your course in front of those millions of dollar store shoppers.
You are entirely responsible for promoting your course.
If you can get enough people to sign up for your course and leave a review, then you have a chance for the Udemy algorithm to kick in and show your course to more people.
The way Udemy recommends you get this process going is by giving away dozens of copies of your course.
Aside from the obvious undesirability of giving away something you've worked so hard to create, there's also the fact that people who didn't pay for your course are unlikely to log into it even once because they have no skin in the game.
If they don't take the course, they can't leave a review.
So that leaves you with a course that nobody knows exists, which means you make no money.
To be fair, it's not just Udemy.
None of the online course platforms are going to promote your course for you.
If you really want to make money with an online course, you're going to have to learn how to promote your course because the marketing is where the money is.
Some platforms are better at helping you market your course than others, but, in my opinion, Udemy is the worst platform to choose because even if you are successful at marketing your course, all you have is an audience of dollar store shoppers.
If you've gone through the effort of learning how to market your course, you can make much more money by hosting your course on a platform where your course won't be sold as a dime a dozen.
A much better place to host your course is Kajabi, which is the platform I use.
On Kajabi, you still have the responsibility of promoting your course, but Kajabi provides you with all the tools you'll need to do it.
Also, there's no limit to what you can charge for your course on Kajabi.
On Udemy, the most you can charge for a course is $200, but with everything on sale for $10 all the time, good luck charging more than $20 for anything.
I'm a Kajabi partner, so if you use this link to join, you'll get a 30-day free trial instead of the normal two weeks.
There's actually one good thing you can use Udemy for to help you create a course you can host somewhere else and actually make money.
We can discuss that inside the community.